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Professional upholstery books

Last time I ‘ve talked you about upholstery books for beginners, this time I want to talk about my favourite professional upholstery books, those you want to know when you are already an upholsterer or if you want to become more professional .! Let’s see Let’s what’s I would advice from my own upholstery library.

French Upholstery Books

The french ” Upholstery Bible”: La tapisserie d’ameublement by Claude Ossut

This big book is the most well known professional upholstery books by french upholsterers. Quite technical, it contains a lot of schemes and explanations.

I will show you how to create the inside of a seat feathers cushion with a technique from this book.

Le guide du tapissier décorateur, tome 1: La garniture des sièges

“Le guide du tapissier décorateur” is a book from Jean-Pierre Flament (Author) and Jacques Stevens first edited in 1982. It is also a good french upholstery book for professional upholsterer.

I love this book because it is concise and technical. There is actually 2 books in this edition, one is for curtains and sewing only, the other is for upholsterers. Both are useful.

English Upholstery Books

The English also got some really good upholstery books.

Practical upholstering: A complete handbook for the upholsterer by John W. Stephenson.

This is a professional upholstery book from the 40’s, so really old school on the inside and so interesting.

Scandinavian Upholstery book (coming)

American Upholstery Books (coming)

This one is a real treasure if you want to know more American upholstery tradition.

Do you know any other professional upholstery book we should know about? 🤓

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