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How to become an upholsterer ?

This is one of the questions i’ve been asked the most and it is easy to understand why. Upholstery is quite a special job! a beatiful work of art and passion and many people would love to learn how to reupholster properly. Many of them wich they could turn upholstery into more than a hobbie but this is really hard to find how to be trained properly unless you’re lucky enought to be taught by some master craftman (or craftwomn). Upholstery is a rare artwork and it is actually pretty hard to find a place to learn these skills.

So to answer the question and for those who want to know more about upholstery this is what i did to become a professional upholsterer. This is the BEST ADVICES i could give.

✨ It took YEARS of practice to get here so give it time ! At the begining It takes blood, sweat ans tears.Talent may be your bonus but you will have to WORK HARD to finaly find how it can be easy (because it can be!).

✨ Be consistant and PRACTICE a lot. Practice make perfect. This is no secret. You thought it looks easy on my reels ? I’ve done hundred of seats before that, this is no magic.

WHERE can you learn upholstery ? What school to learn upholstery?

I studied upholstery in France.

I went in two differents schools in order to become a professional upholsterer:
I spend 2 years with AOCDTF: @les_compagnons
And 2 other years at “Le campus des métiers” at Joué les tours

School matters for sure, but workshops and craftmmanship make the difference.

What are the other ways to learn how to upholster ?

When you can’t go to upholstery schools there is other ways to learn uphostery. If you want to go pro, the best way will always be to learn directly with a professional in his/her workshop. You may find private curses offer by upholsterers around the world in their own workshop. Nowdays there is also many way to find upholstery tutorials online that can help. You may also want to buy upholstery books.

How many times does it take to learn (average) upholstery skills?

This job require many skills so it takes work and time to really get it even if there is many tasks a beginner can do. No one can teach or learn how to become an upholsterer in a short time like a year (or two), it also mean 12 month “full training” let a lot of people unsatisfied . Please give this art the time it needs.

You will find my answers to the most asked questions on the FAQ page.

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