What an insane upholstery project these curvy chairs ! I rarely say no to my clients so when I was asked to cover these really curvy and complex chairs with some stripes fabric I said YES of course.

Curve and Stripes: what a chair !
This was quite a challenge to upholster this very rare pair of curvy chairs from the 60’s (I guess, tell me more if you know) with a tiny stripes fabric by the french and well known brand Pierre Frey ! But we did it properly because we followed all the precious upholstery techniques we’ve been taught through the years. So here we are !

This was a huge upholstery work on the outside and on the outside but it’s now good as new.
Mysterious chair
Now there is so many tools to find about the design of the chair but ee weren’t able to find the designer or more information about this chair. đ They are from the same house than the metallic frame sofa I covered with the same fabric earlier in November.

Inside upholstery
The feet are metal made but the chair frame is wood made. A modern padding (foam) was done exactly like it was before.
For the seat I used a 5 cm high resiliency foam on an elastic webbing as main padding.
We glued this high resiliency foam to the webbing with some professional glue.
Of course. We covered it with a white Calico bespoke cover (machine sewn) that we covered with polyester wadding before the final fabric.

Outside upholstery
We sew the fabric on every parts of the chair to be sure to get straight stripes on it: once disassemble you have 6 parts for a chair: 1 seat, 1 back, 2 wings and 2 inside wings. Quite a big job!
We were able to use some of the old cover as a pattern for the new one.
We had to create the pattern from scratch for the wings because the fabric was handsewn before and we wanted to sew it (with a machine) to get straights stripes all along!

I had to make the pattern twice for the wings, using a white Calico as a test fabric. I always cut the fabric only when I’m sure that the pattern is perfect, this is just one of the best upholstery expert advice I could give you.

This seat required some fine sewing skills
but nothing impossible, we can’t technically redo everything that was done before right ?
I am really glad with the final result. We spent 4 days on each chair to achieve this Do you like it?

What a bout a new chair tutorial ?
I didn’t create a whole tutorial for this chair (I was already working on the feathers seat cushion tutorial) but I took some precious video about of I covered the inside wings.