Fixing and gluing back the wood
Sometimes you just can't avoid a little (or a big) woodwork. In this case you have two option: do it yourself or ask for help. This is what I do.…
Here you will find many upholstery tutorials techniques and tips from beginner to professional level. I hope these upholstery ressources will be usefull for you. Comment under tutorials if you have any question so I will help you if I can.
Sometimes you just can't avoid a little (or a big) woodwork. In this case you have two option: do it yourself or ask for help. This is what I do.…
Simple and efficient upholstery tips Here some simple but very usefull advices you should follow if you are considering making a new loose cover for a seat. TIP 1: Just…
Nails or trimmigs: The 2 mains categories When you have a seat with some visible wood all around you need to choose a finish for your chair to apply on…
The last layer before fabric is a very important step. You may choose or not to put a calico on a modern seat but you can't avoid this step. Polyester…
This is part 2 of this whole covering tutorial but maybe you just need to learn how to put the fabric on a picture back chair like this one. video…
This is how to cover an armchair the seat of an armchair with the professional techniques. The tools needed to cover Cissors Upholstery hammer Tacks for temporary tacking (9 or…
Learn to knot a button whith my apprentice 🤗
Stripping is one of the very first step of every upholstery project... I'm a huge fan of antiques so I've stripped off many, many seats in my life and I…
The simplest and more important strripping security tip I could give is this one: NEVER LET YOUR HAND IN FRONT ANY TOOLS WHILE STRIPPING! That was close ... This happened…
This tips is even older than these nails: you can simple use old nails to learn how to nail properly.